God Helps Me Be Kind

God Helps Me Be Kind


Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Heaven is Our Home - by Hillsong Kids https://youtu.be/xdb_cttBKB0
Brave - by Saddleback Kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_LQ8pytZJU


Bible Passage: John 10:11-18, The Good Shepherd

God helps me be kind

Lesson: God is our example of kindness and gentleness.

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.)
The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

God made all the animals. Fish, birds, puppies and kittens. Kittens are soft and gentle. They remind us to be kind. God wants us to be kind. God helps us be kind.

Sheep are soft and gentle like kittens. Sheep need a shepherd to take care of them. Someone who is kind and gentle. People are like sheep too. We need someone to take care of us. Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd.” Jesus is kind and gentle. He takes care of us, his sheep. Others pretend to be like Jesus. They say, “I will be kind and take care of you.” But when danger comes, they run away. Jesus never leaves. He is always kind. He always takes care of us. Jesus lays down his life for us. Jesus shows us how to be kind. I want to be kind like Jesus. God helps me be kind.


Simple Prayer:
Dear God, Show us how to be kind and gentle. Amen

Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Do the Hokey Pokey.

Small Group Memory Verse: Show the kids the hand motions and ask if they remember the words of the verse that go along with them.

Questions: What animal does a shepherd take care of?
Who is the Good Shepherd?
How can I be kind to someone else?

Game: Have kids do their best impression of a kitten. How do they sound? What do they do? How do they move around the room?


Make this week’s lesson real:
At Dinner: During the dinnertime discussion, make a point of highlighting a time during the day when your little one showed kindness to you or someone else. Thank them for being kind and remind them that God helps us to be kind.

Hanging Out: Encourage some play that brings out the gentler side of your little ones. Whether it’s taking care of a doll, playing hospital, or feeding some stuffed animals, challenge your kids to work on being kind and gentle caretakers.

Bedtime: Snuggle up and read the memory verse: “But I know that God helps me. The Lord is the one who keeps me going.” Psalm 54:4 (NIrV). Talk about how God helps us to be kind to each other.

Title: Kittens
Items Needed: Kitten puppet or costume (could be as simple as construction paper mask and length of fabric pinned to the back for a tail)
Character Breakdown: 2 Flexible CHARACTERS:
Harlan, Kitten Harlan enters.

HARLAN: Welcome back to Bible Animal Kingdom. I’m your host, Harlan Lerkins. Today we are out in the wild, to catch a glimpse of the coldest, hardest, most heartless beasts in the world. I’m talking off course about the KITTEN!

Kitten enters, softly and gently. Kitten is unsteady on its feet.

HARLAN: Notice the kittens frightening stance, indicating an attack is imminent. Kitten rolls onto its back and bats at an imaginary object with its four paws.

HARLAN: Hmm. This kitten doesn’t look cold and heartless at all. She looks soft and gentle and kind.

Kitten sits up and licks its front paw. Harlan walks over to Kitten and pets it.

HARLAN: (smiling) There, there, girl. You’re so soft. You seem so nice and kind. Such a good girl.

Kitten gently places a paw on Harlan’s leg.

HARLAN: There you have it, folks. The kitten turns out to not be fearsome at all. She’s a gentle and kind animal. We should strive to be kind, like a kitten. I can’t do it on my own. God helps me be kind. C’mon girl.

Kitten follows Harlan as they exit.


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