Everyday I Can Pray

Everyday I Can Pray


Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Alive - by Hillsong Young & Free https://youtu.be/qEvEVALLjNQ
Who You Say I Am - by Hillsong Kids https://youtu.be/Y0LHTDVy5C0


Bible Passage: 1 Samuel 17:40-50, David and Goliath

Prayer brings us closer to God every day

Lesson: Every day, I can pray

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

God loves us and wants us to be close to him. What can we do to be closer to God every day? One thing we can do is pray.

Every day, I can pray. Say that with me. “Every day, I can pray.” (Repeat with kids.)

David prayed to God and was close to him. We can read some of David’s prayers to God in the Bible book of Psalms.

When the giant Goliath came up against Israel’s army, all the soldiers were afraid. But David was not afraid. God gave David courage and strength.

David took a sling and five smooth stones and faced Goliath who had on his armor and carried a sword. David took the first stone and swung it around in his sling. He let go, and the stone hit Goliath right in his forehead. Goliath went down.

David knew that God would give him the victory. David prayed to God and trusted God. I can be like David. Every day, I can pray. I can be close to God. I can have the strength and courage that God gives.

Every day, I want to be close to God. So I can pray, every day.


Simple Prayer:
Dear God, Thank you for prayer. Praying gives us courage and brings us closer to you every day. Amen

Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Play a few rounds of Follow The Leader.

Small Group Memory Verse: Do a call and response. When you say, “You are the body,” they answer “of Christ.” When you say, “Each one of you,” they say, “is a part of it.” Repeat 4-5 times with the kids.

Questions: Who was the only person not afraid of the giant Goliath?
Why did David have strength and courage to face Goliath?
How often can we pray?

Game: Prayer isn’t just when we close our eyes and bow our heads. The Bible says to “pray without ceasing.” Go for a walk around the room – or venture outside the classroom, if safety permits – praying throughout the trip. Pray for the kids in your group. As you see things on your walk, what other concerns, praises, questions come up that you would like to give to God. At the beginning of the walk, lead the prayer; as kids are comfortable, encourage them to offer prayers to God as well.

Make this week’s lesson real:
At Dinner: Make a point of praying before the meal. Thank God that He has given you the ability to pray throughout the day, every day. Ask God to draw you and your family closer to Him.

Playing: Have kids dress up as cowboys, and/or play with cowboy toys they may have. As kids play, talk about the strength and courage that cowboys display. In that way, David was like a cowboy. His strength and courage came from God. When we are close to God, we experience that strength and courage too.

Bedtime: Snuggle up and pray together. Tell God your desire to grow closer to Him every day. Thank Him that he has provided prayer as a way for us to be close to Him. Together, share your requests, praises, and questions.

Items Needed: Large white paper plates, scissors, crayons, marker, yellow construction paper (optional), glue sticks (optional)

Prepare Ahead: Following the natural indent already in the paper plate, cut a large circle around the plate, three-quarters of the way around. Fold the center of the paper plate up where it remains connected to the outer ring. The center of the plate will serve as the top of the hat. Cut the top of the hat in a large “M” to emulate the shape of a cowboy hat.

Directions: Give each child a paper plate cowboy hat, and have them color it as they see fit.

If you have made sheriff’s stars, give one to each kid to glue to the top of the hat.

On the underside of the brim on each hat, write in marker: “I can pray, every day.”
Cowboys are strong and courageous. David wasn’t a cowboy, but he was strong and courageous like one. I can be strong and courageous too, by getting close to God. Prayer brings me close to God. I can pray, everyday.

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