Everyday I Can Trust God's Way

Everyday I Can Trust God's Way


Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Trust In You https://youtu.be/vEpAeqqSURI
This Is What You Do - by Bethel Kids https://youtu.be/eXhMfGK00ZA


Bible Passage: Judges 6:36-40, 7:19-22, Gideon’s Army

Everyday I Can Trust God’s Way

Lesson: Seeking God’s will brings us closer to God every day.

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

God loves us and wants us to be close to him. What can we do to be closer to God every day? One thing we can do is trust God’s way.

Every day, I can trust God’s way. Say that with me. “Every day, I can trust God’s way.” (Repeat with kids.)

God told Gideon, “I want you to lead an army to save the people from the Midianites.” Gideon wasn’t sure if he really heard God. He said to God, “I will lay this piece of wool fleece outside. If in the morning the fleece is wet but the ground around it is dry, I’ll know that God spoke to me.” When Gideon got up the next day, that’s exactly what happened, the wool fleece was wet but the ground was dry.

Gideon was still uncertain. He said to God, “This time make the fleece dry and the ground wet.” The next morning the wool fleece was dry and the ground was wet. Gideon knew that God had spoken to him, and he was finally ready to trust God’s way.

Gideon led the army into battle. Gideon had only 300 men against the Midianite army of thousands. But God gave Gideon the victory, just as he had promised.

Gideon learned that it’s best to trust God’s way. I can be like Gideon. Every day, I can trust God’s way. I can be close to God.

I can do things God’s way instead of my way. Every day, I want to be close to God. So I can trust God, every day.


Simple Prayer:
Dear God, Your way is best. Help us seek your way and brings us closer to you every day. Amen


Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Do the Hokey Pokey.

Small Group Memory Verse: Ask for little ones to raise their hands if they think they know the verse. Select several kids with raised hands to recite the verse.

Questions: Who did God choose to lead the people to victory?
In the morning, when the ground was dry, what happened to the wool fleece?
Whose way is better: our way or God’s way?

Game: When Gideon’s army blew their trumpets in the middle of the night, it confused and disoriented the Midianite army and they started to fight with each other. Using paper towel rolls or construction paper rolled up, play Gideon’s army and blow your trumpets in as disorienting of a manner as you can.


Make this week’s lesson real:
At Dinner: During the family meal, talk about God’s way. Ask each member of the family what they think God might be showing them. In what ways is it hard to following God’s way? How can the family help each person within it to seek and follow God’s way?

Playing: Bring out a Slinky (or another toy with some stretch to it.) Marvel at how much stretch and give the toy has and still doesn’t break. Talk about how sometimes following God’s will stretches us. We may feel uncertain about doing things God’s way. But God’s way is best; He won’t let us break.

Bedtime: Snuggle up and pray together. Pray that God would show you the way He wants us to go. Pray for the wisdom to follow God’s way and not just go your own way. After the prayer, share with your kids a time when you followed God’s way rather than your own, to help bring home the concept of seeking God’s will.


Items Needed: Construction paper, scissors, tape, marker

Prepare Ahead: Cut construction paper into strips.

Directions: Create a paper chain: Make a loop with one of the construction paper strips, secure with tape. Take another strip and weave the next loop into the first one. And so on. Have a leader write in marker “Every day, I can trust God’s way” on one of the loops.

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