Summer 2020 - Indescribable: Your Creator Has No Limits Week 5

Summer 2020 - Indescribable: Your Creator Has No Limits Week 5


Indescribable: Your Creator Has No Limits


Lesson: God created you to share His story.
Bible Passage: Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16)

Who told you the story of Jesus for the first time?

When Jesus told His followers to be the salt and light of the world, what did He mean? (Jesus wants us to tell others about Him and His story.)

Have you ever told someone about Jesus? If so, how did it go? If not, is there something that makes you nervous about telling Jesus’ story?

What are some creative ways we can tell others about Jesus? (Write them a note, invite them to a Small Group sleepover, be kind and loving no matter what.)

How we live our lives can point others to Jesus, just as much as what we say—and sometimes even more so! Let’s make a commitment as a family to use the creativity God gave us to show others that we know and love Jesus. God created us to share His story.

Memory Verse:
“Lord, you are great. You are really worthy of praise. No one can completely understand how great you are.” Psalm 145:3


Simple Prayer:
“God, we are thankful for the gift of your Son, Jesus. Because of Jesus, we can be in Your family forever. Help us look for creative ways to share Your story with others. Help us to live lives that make it obvious that we love and follow You. Thank You for creating us. Thank You for loving us. Amen.”



What You Do

Tell your child that it’s time to play a game. Say, “Let’s tell a story together. Only, how about we do it in a super-creative way? I’ll start. I’ll say one part of the story, then you continue the story by making up the next part. We’ll go back and forth until the story is finished. Let’s see where the story goes!”

If your child can read, have them start a few of the prompts for you. Challenge yourself to go back and forth at least three times with each prompt before moving to the next!

Use these prompts to tell as many stories as you have time for:

  • One time I flew to the moon, the first thing I saw was…

  • I was digging around in the attic and found a special pair of glasses. When I put them on I could…

  • Paddling along in a canoe, we made it to the middle of the lake. Suddenly, we had a leak…

  • One day I woke up feeling strange. When I stood up, I realized of had the super power of…

  • Once there was a duck named Quackers. But Quackers was no ordinary duck. No Quackers was different because…

Jesus Gives Me Joy

Jesus Gives Me Joy

Summer 2020 - Indescribable: Your Creator Has No Limits Week 4

Summer 2020 - Indescribable: Your Creator Has No Limits Week 4