God Sees To All Of My Needs

God Sees To All Of My Needs

Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

One Way - by Hillsong Kids https://youtu.be/ZZ2zXc_9Q00
Trust In You - by Preschool Worship https://youtu.be/vEpAeqqSURI

God sees to all of my needs


Lesson: Kids will say, “I’m not scared. God takes care of me.”
Bible Passage: Matthew 6:25-34, Do Not Worry

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

Everyone gets scared at some point. Whenever we feel afraid, we can remember that God is always with us and loves us. God’s perfect love can make our fear disappear!

All of us worry sometimes. We might worry about what we’re going to eat, or we might worry about what we’re going to wear, or we might worry about what’s going to happen later.

In the Bible, Jesus tells us “Do not worry.” It’s a command.

The birds don’t worry about what they are going to eat. But God always makes sure they have food. The flowers don’t worry about what they are going to wear. But God made them bright and beautiful.

God loves us more than the birds. God loves us more than the flowers. He will take care of us. There is no need to worry.

Jesus said, “Do not worry. Seek first God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness.” God will make sure you have everything you need.

We can say with confidence, “I’m not scared. God takes care of me.”

Simple Prayer:
Dear Jesus, Help us to never be afraid, remembering that you take care of us. Amen


Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Play a few rounds of Follow the Leader.

Small Group Memory Verse: Form a line, with an adult leader at the front. Walk along a path together, saying the verse together as you walk.

Questions: What did Jesus command us not to do? Do the birds worry about what they are going to eat? Instead of worry, we should seek first God’s what?

Game: Have kids do their best bird impressions. Pick a few different distinct birds for them to imitate: such as eagle, chicken, flamingo. Remind them that birds don’t worry and God takes care of them. Next have kids curl up on the ground as a seed. Have them grow up into a flower. Remind kids that flowers don’t worry about what clothes they have on, but God makes them bright and beautiful. We are more valuable than birds and flowers; God takes care of us.


Arts & Craft: The Flowers of the Field
Items Needed: White construction paper, washable paint, paper plates, green cray- ons, forks, marker

Advanced Preparation: At the top of each paper write “I’m not scared. God takes care of me.”

Directions: Place paint onto paper plates.

Demonstrate for kids how they can create a flower by dipping the tines of a fork into the paint, stamping it onto their paper, then adding a stem with green crayon.

Give kids the supplies and let them get to work, assisting as requested.

Remind kids that the flowers don’t worry about anything and God made them so bright and beautiful. We are more valuable than flowers in God’s eye. We can trust that he will take care of us.

We Can Trust God

We Can Trust God

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