Thank God For Every Good Thing

Thank God For Every Good Thing

Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Every Move I Make - by Hillsong Kids
This Is Amazing Grace - by Bethel Kids

Thank God For Every Good Thing


Lesson: “When good things happen, I can say ‘thank you God.’”
Bible Passage: Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals 10 Sick Men

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

In life, we can choose to grumble and be selfish, or we can choose to be grateful. Everyday, we should praise God and give Him thanks. When good things happen, we can say “thank you, God.”

One day while Jesus was walking, he came upon 10 men. All of these men were sick; they had a bad skin disease. From a far distance, the men called out to Jesus, “Master, have pity on us.”

Jesus loves us. Jesus loved these men. He told them, “go and show yourselves to the priests.” The men did what Jesus said. As they were walking, they realized that Jesus had healed them. The skin disease was gone.

One of the men went back and found Jesus. He fell at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him for healing him. All of the men were healed by God, but only one of them went back to thank Jesus.

When something good happens, we are happy. Of course! We should share our happiness with God. We can take the time to thank God.

When good things happen, I can say “thank you, God.”

Simple Prayer:
Dear God, Thank you for every good thing you have given us. Amen


Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Play a few rounds of Special Rock. (When leader says “Special rock, special rock,” kids curl into a ball on the ground. Then the leader gives the name of an animal, and kids come to life as that animal until they hear “special rock, special rock” again.)

Small Group Memory Verse: Do a call and response. When you say, “Give thanks to the Lord,” they answer, “because he is good.” Repeat 4-5 times with the kids.

Questions: How many men did Jesus heal of their skin disease? How many went back to thank Jesus? What is something you thank God for?

Game: Have kids pretend to be one of the people Jesus healed, and their goal is to go and thank Jesus. Use a small action figure to represent Jesus. Line kids up against a wall, facing the wall. Place the Jesus figure somewhere in the room. When you give the go ahead, kids will turn around and rush to find Jesus and say, “thank you.”


Arts & Craft:
Items Needed: Card stock, pen or marker, crayons

Directions: Have leaders trace the outline of each kids’ shoes onto a sheet of card stock. This can be done in one or two ways: Set the card stock on the ground and have kids step lightly onto the paper (one foot at a time so as not to damage the paper), or kids can take their shoes off and set them on the paper.

Remind kids that 10 men were healed but only 1 came back to thank Jesus. Only one man had “thankful feet.” Give kids crayons so that they can decorate their own “thankful feet.”

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