Christmas Is All About Sharing Jesus

Christmas Is All About Sharing Jesus

Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Joy To The World - by Bethel Kids

Christmas is all about sharing Jesus


Lesson: “Jesus loves everyone, and we can invite everyone to celebrate His birthday.”
Bible Passage: Luke 2:8-20, The Shepherds
Memory Verse: “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.” Luke 2:11a (NIrV)

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

For the next few weeks, we are going to talk about Christmas. Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday.

Jesus loves everyone. And we can let other people know how Jesus loves them.

The shepherds were working out in the field taking care of their sheep. It was night. Suddenly it was bright. There was an angel. The angel told the shepherds, “Jesus is born. Come and see.” A whole choir of angels appeared, singing about Jesus’ birth.

When the angels went away, the shepherds went to find the baby Jesus. There he was, laying in a manger, just like the angel said. The shepherds worshiped Jesus.

Then the shepherds went out and told everyone about Jesus. They went through the whole town telling them that Jesus had been born.

Every birthday party needs guests. The shepherds were the first party guests to Jesus’ birth. They went out and invited others. We are having a birthday party of Jesus.

Simple Prayer:
Dear God, Thank you for giving us Jesus; help us tell other people about Jesus. Amen.


Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Play a few rounds of Red Light, Green Light.

Small Group Memory Verse: Have kids say the verse together in a variety of positions: standing, sitting, bowing, standing on one foot, jumping, etc.

Questions: Who told the shepherds that Jesus had been born? What did the shepherds do after the angels left them? Who can you invite to join us for Jesus’ Birthday Party?

Game: Pretend you are throwing a surprise party. Have everyone hide. When you count to three, everyone jumps out and shouts “surprise.” Run through it a few times, seeing how loud you can get. Then do one for someone who is easily scared: jumping out slowly and saying “surprise” as soft as you can.


Arts & Craft: Jesus’ Birthday
Items Needed: Candy canes, brown construction paper, tape

Advanced Prep: Cut the brown construction paper into strips.

Directions: Give each kid two candy canes. Tell them they are going to transform their candy canes into shepherd’s staffs.

Show them how to tape one end of the construction paper to the candy cane and then wrap the paper around to cover the entire thing. Give kids strips of brown construction paper and tape to create their own shepherd’s staffs.

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