Cain and Abel
Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:
Love The World -
Cain and Abel
Lesson: Everyone gets jealous, and sometimes it makes you do foolish things. That’s exactly what happened to a brother named Cain.
Memory Verse: Genesis 9:16 When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.
Key Points:
God remembered Noah, and eventually dried up the earth. Genesis 8:1
God told Noah and the animals to leave the boat and start over again. Genesis 8:15-17
God promised never to flood the earth again, and gave the rainbow as a sign. Genesis 9:11, 17
Even when people’s sin is big, God’s grace is bigger.
In today’s lesson, we’re learning about a special promise God made to Noah. Last week, we learned about Noah and the flood. God sent a flood to wash away all the evil people. But, because Noah obeyed God, he saved Noah, his family and some animals by showing Noah how to build a big boat. God eventually took all the water away and dry land was found again. So, everyone got off the boat to start a new life! God told them to populate the earth with new people and animals. And, God promised Noah that he would never flood the earth again. He gave him a sign to remember the promise and it’s a sign we still see today. It’s the rainbow! God created the rainbow as a reminder that he will never flood the whole earth again. But, the rainbow is also a symbol of God’s unbelievable love for us. He chose to rescue Noah from the flood, and he chose to rescue all of us from sin when he sent Jesus. Even when we really mess up, God’s love is still there. So, the next time you see a rainbow, remember God’s promise and his love for you.
Talk About It:
1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?
2. Can you think of a time you when you thought you were in big trouble but your parents or teacher let you off the hook? How did that feel?
3. What did God tell Noah and the animals to do once they got on dry land?
4. Why did God create the rainbow?
5. Read Romans 5:8. How did God show his great love for us? Why does it matter that Jesus came to die even though we’re sinners?
6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?