Jesus Knows Me!

Jesus Knows Me!

Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Alive - by Hillsong Young & Free
You Know Me - by Hillsong Kids
Who You Say I Am - by Hillsong Kids

Memory Verse: God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son – Jesus. John 3:16

Jesus knows me!
Lesson: We don’t have to hide when we’re scared because Jesus knows us.

Jesus came to die for us, so that we could have eternal life.
Jesus told his friends, “I am going to die for your sins. Soon they will come to arrest me.”
Peter said, “We won’t let them take you away.” Jesus said, “Peter you will run away. And before the rooster crows, you will tell people you don’t know me – 3 times.”
Peter said, “Never!”
When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, all of his friends ran away.
Peter was in the courtyard. A girl came up to him and said,
“You are a friend of Jesus.” Peter was scared. He said, “No, I’m not.”
Later, she said again, “You are a friend of Jesus.” Peter was scared.
He said, “No, I’m not.”
Later, someone else said, “You are a friend of Jesus.” Peter was scared.
He said, “No, I’m not.”
Then the rooster crowed. Peter remembered what Jesus said. Peter was sad.
Jesus knew what Peter would do. Jesus knew Peter. Jesus knows us. Jesus knows when we’re happy. Jesus knows when we’re scared.

We don't want to turn away from Jesus like Peter did. We can remember “Jesus knows me and Jesus loves me."

Simple Prayer:
Dear Jesus, You know when we’re happy and when we’re scared. You know everything about us! Amen

Make this week’s lesson real:
Eating: Before mealtime, take time to pray for people you and your kids know. In your prayer, thank Jesus that he knows everything about us and he knows what each of the people you are praying for need.

Snuggling: Snuggle up together and read the memory verse together: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” John 3:16 Talk about how we can always turn to Jesus because he loves us and knows us.

Arts & Crafts:
Items Needed:
Finger paint, paper plates, heavy paper, markers, crayons, wet wipes.
Create a paint station, cover the tables with tarp or craft paper, place finger paints in paper plates.

Have kids place their open hands into the plate of finger paint. Remove their hands and guide them as they press their hands onto a sheet of heavy paper. (This will be the body of the rooster.) Have kids lift their hands off the paper and give them a wet wipe to clean up. Once the paint is dried, use markers to add feet, a beak, eyes, and wattle to complete the rooster. Give kids crayons and allow them to fill the rest of the space on the paper as they wish.

Jesus Forgives Me

Jesus Forgives Me

God Turns Our Fear Into Joy