God Turns Our Fear Into Joy

First off, after being indoors for a couple of days we may need to loosen up a bit. Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Take a moment to stand/ stretch and then go ahead and play some worship music in your home. Have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – engage in the worship moment as a family. It is a special moment. And to get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Every Move I Make - by Hillsong Kids https://youtu.be/MPvnZILn6EY
Jump - by Go Kids https://youtu.be/Mw8phe5fJXo
No Longer Slaves - by Bethel https://youtu.be/f8TkUMJtK5k

Memory Verse: I will be glad and full of joy because of you. Psalm 9:2a

Lesson: The Bible tells us that when we feel fear/afraid God is always near. God turns our fear into joy.

Jesus and his disciples had gone out onto their boat. They were sailing at night and Jesus fell asleep in the boat. A storm came onto the water. The wind blew and the waves tossed the boat from side to side. Water was getting into the boat, and they were in great danger.

The disciples were full of fear. They went to where Jesus was in the boat. He was still asleep. They woke him up and said, “Jesus, Master. We are going to drown.” They were very afraid.

Jesus got up. He spoke to the wind and the waves. He told the storm, “Be still.” Immediately the storm stopped. It was over.

The disciples were amazed at what Jesus had done. They had been afraid, but they didn’t need to be because Jesus was right there with them.

When we feel fear, when we feel afraid, God is always near. Sometimes I get scared. I bet there are times when you are scared too. But no matter how afraid we are, we can remember to ask God for help. He can turn my fear into joy. When I feel fear, God is always near.

Jesus Knows Me!

Jesus Knows Me!