Share The Light

Share The Light

Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Every Move I Make - by Hillsong Kids
This Is Amazing Grace - by Bethel Kids



Lesson: Kids will say, “I get to share Jesus with others.”
Bible Passage: Acts 2:1-12, Pentecost

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

Sometimes in life, we have to do hard things or face scary things. But Jesus is the Light of the World. He makes everything better. People need to know Jesus. We get to share Jesus with others.

When Jesus went back up to heaven, he told his friends that he would send the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would live inside them, and comfort them, and give them the courage to tell everyone about Jesus.

Jesus’ friends were all gathered together when the Holy Spirit came. The sound of rushing wind filled the house. Little bursts of fire appeared and rested on top of each of their heads. And the Holy Spirit gave them the ability to speak in different languages.

Jesus’ friends – we call them disciples – went out boldly into a large crowd. They told the people that Jesus is the Light of the World. They told the people that Jesus makes life better. They told the people that they can become Jesus’ disciples too. Many people believed in Jesus that day. And they went out and told other people about Jesus too.

When we follow Jesus and become his disciples, Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us go out and share Jesus with other people. If I share Jesus with one person, and that person shares Jesus with someone else, then that person will share Jesus too. Eventually, the whole wide world will know that Jesus is the Light of the World.

Jesus makes life better and I get to share Jesus with others.

Simple Prayer:
Dear God, You are our Light. Help us to share your love and light with everybody. Amen


Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Play a few rounds of Special Rock. (When leader says “Special rock, special rock,” kids curl into a ball on the ground. Leader gives the name or an animal, and kids come to life as that animal until they hear “special rock, special rock” again.)

Small Group Memory Verse: As a group, see how loudly you can shout the verse together.

Questions: Who were Jesus’ friends waiting for?
What appeared over the disciples’ heads when the Holy Spirit came?
Who is one person you can tell about Jesus?

Game: Bring out a package of dominoes. Using 5-10 dominoes, give a quick demonstration of how one falling domino can cause a chain reaction. Give each kid some dominoes to try it for themselves. Relate this demonstration to the fact that when we help one person meet Jesus, they show Jesus to someone else, and so on.


Arts & Craft: Light The Way
Items Needed: Toilet paper tubes, tissue paper (red, orange, yellow), tape or glue sticks, marker

Advanced Prep: Cut or tear the tissue paper into strips. On the cardboard tubes write, “Jesus is the Light of the World” in marker.

Directions: Give each kid a cardboard tube – this will be the flashlight. Have kids glue or tape the tissue paper to one end, with some paper sticking out to give them “light.”

When we hold up a flashlight, we can show other people the way in the darkness. When we share Jesus’ love with other people, we give them a chance to meet Jesus – the Light of the World.

God Gives Us The Courage To Be Honest

God Gives Us The Courage To Be Honest

Jesus Gives Me Joy

Jesus Gives Me Joy