Christmas Is All About Jesus

Christmas Is All About Jesus

Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Fear Get Out Of Here - by Hillsong Kids

Christmas Is All About Jesus


Lesson: “Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday!”
Bible Passage: Luke 1:26-38, Angel Visits Mary
Memory Verse: “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.” Luke 2:11a (NIrV)

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

For the next few weeks, we are going to talk about Christmas. Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday.

Have you ever been surprised by something? Sometimes surprises are not so great, and sometimes surprises are wonderful.

The Bible tells us about Mary and the wonderful surprise she got. She was surprised when one day an angel appeared. Can you imagine if an angel just suddenly appeared in this room? What a surprise!

The angel told Mary he had another surprise for her: Mary was going to have a baby. Mary was not expecting to have a baby; this was a big surprise. The angel told Mary that her baby would be God’s son, Jesus. He would grow up to be the Savior and King. What a big and wonderful surprise.

Mary got a lot of surprises that day, but she accepted them with joy and wonder. God gives us good surprises. God gives us Jesus. Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas is all about Jesus.

Simple Prayer:
Dear God, Thank you for giving us Jesus. Amen.


Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Play a few rounds of Simon Says.

Small Group Memory Verse: Say the verse together several times. Talk about the verse’s meaning. Key words: “town of David” is Bethlehem, “Savior” someone who saves the people.

Questions: Who showed up and surprised Mary with news? What did the angel tell Mary? Whose birthday do we celebrate at Christmas?

Game: Go around the room, and have kids take turns demonstrating their “surprised” face. Repeat with other expressions – angry face, confused face, funny face, etc.


Arts & Craft: Jesus’ Birthday
Items Needed: Paper, crayons, marker

Advanced Prep: In marker, write “You’re Invited to Jesus’ Birthday Party” followed by the name of your church, the time your class meets, and the dates of the next 3 lessons in this series. Leave as much space as you can on the paper for your kids’ embellishments. Make enough copies for kids to have two or three invitations.

Directions: Remind kids that Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Tell kids that we will be celebrating for the next few weeks, with a big birthday party at the end. Go over the plain invitations, and explain that we can give them out to friends to invite them to join us for Jesus’ Birthday Party.

Give each kid two or more invitations to color and decorate as they desire. Ask them who they would want to give the invitations to.

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