Thank God Through Worship

Thank God Through Worship

Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:

Fear Get Out Of Here - by Hillsong Kids

Thank God Through Worship.


Lesson: “I can thank God when I worship and praise Him.”
Bible Passage: 2 Samuel 6:12-21, David Dances Before the Lord
Memory Verse: “Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good.” 1 Chronicles 16:34a (NIrV)

Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)

In life, we can choose to grumble and be selfish, or we can choose to be grateful. Everyday, we should praise God and give Him thanks. We can thank God when I worship and praise Him.

God’s people have a special container called the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant reminded people of the amazing things that God had done and how God was always with them. King David decided to bring the ark to the city of Jerusalem so that the people could always remember that God was with them.

The ark was heavy and needed to be handled special. David took men with him to carry the ark back to Jerusalem. As David and the men came to Jerusalem with the ark, David was so excited and he wanted to thank God. So David danced in the street. He had the people shout praise to God and play trumpets. Everyone was thanking God with worship.

David’s wife, whose name was Michel, watched all this from her window. She thought it was terrible that the king, her husband, was dancing in the street. When he came into the house, she made fun of him for dancing before God. David didn’t care; he wanted to thank God by worshiping him.

There are many ways we can worship God. We can dance like King David.

We can sing or paint pictures or pray or act out God’s story. Whatever way we choose, it’s our way of saying thank you to God. Always, I can thank God when I worship and praise Him.

Simple Prayer:
Dear God, You are good. We want to thank you with praise and worship. Amen.


Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Do the Hokey Pokey.

Small Group Memory Verse: Have kids repeat the verse popcorn style. Point to kids randomly. Each time you point to a kid, he or she says the verse. (If a kid can’t repeat the verse, say a gentle “that’s okay” and move on to another kid.)

Questions: What was the name of the king who brought the ark to Jerusalem? What did David do to worship God and show his thanks? What is your favorite way to worship God?

Game: Have a little dance off. Play some worship music and invite kids to dance their praise to God. Challenge kids not to worry about those around them, but focus on telling God how much they love him and thank him through their dancing.


Arts & Craft: Dancing David
Items Needed: Paper plates, construction paper, scissors, glue sticks, crayons

Advanced Prep: On a half sheet of construction paper, draw the outline of a person (David) about 4” tall. Create one of these for each kid in your class.

Directions: Give each kid a “David” sheet of paper to color in as they wish. Give each kid a paper plate and help them fold it in half. Have a leader cut out the David figure from the paper. Assist kids in gluing the figure to the folded paper plate so that the top half of the figure extends past the fold.

Stand the plate up on its sides, so that “David” appears upright. Show kids that if they gently press one end of the plate down and then release, it appears that King David is dancing. Remind kids how in the story, David worshiped God by dancing.

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