The Bible Is God's True Story
Let’s get up and dance with your kids in praise! Play some worship music in your home, have fun with it! Raise your hands, jump, close your eyes – enjoy a time of worship as a family. To get you into a groove, here are some songs to choose from:
Joy To The World - by Bethel Kids
The Bible Is God’s True Story
Lesson: “The Bible is God’s true story.”
Bible Passage: Genesis 12:1-7, The Call of Abram
Memory Verse: “All your words are true.” Psalm 119:160a (NIrV)
Today’s story comes to us from the Bible. (Hold up a Bible.) The Bible is God’s word to us, so we know that everything it says is true. (Open the Bible and set it down in front of you as you give the lesson.)
The Bible is God’s story. The Bible is one book, made up of 66 smaller books. The first book in the Bible is called Genesis.
Genesis tells us all about how the world began: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah and the Ark. And there was a man named Abram or Abraham.
God came to Abraham and said, “Leave this place and go to the place I will show you. You will have children, and your children will have children, and you will be a great nation. I will be your God and you will be my people.” So Abraham obeyed God, left his home and went to the land that God showed him.
And many years later, Abraham’s family became the people of Israel. They were a great nation. They were God’s people, just as God had promised. We have the story of many people in the Bible: Adam and Eve, Abraham, Daniel, Esther. Can you think of any other people whose stories are in the Bible? (Allow kids to answer) The Bible is all those people’s stories, but the Bible is really God’s story.
The Bible is the story of how God has loved people throughout history, and has wanted them to be his people. The Bible is God’s story. Can you say that with me? The Bible is God’s story. (Repeat several times with the kids.)
Simple Prayer:
Dear God, Thank you for your story, the Bible. Help us love your word and learn more about you. Amen.
Discussion Questions:
Wiggle Tamer: Play a few rounds of Follow the Leader.
Small Group Memory Verse: Do a call and response. When you say, “All your words,” they answer, “are true.” Repeat 4-5 times with the kids.
Questions: What did God tell Abraham to do? Who are your favorite people from the Bible? Complete this sentence: The Bible is _____ _______? (God’s story)
Game: Have kids stand up, and spread out. Slowly and deliberately, read to them the names of the first 22 books of the Bible: Genesis through Song of Solomon. Have kids strike a new pose every time you read off another name. Afterward, sit in a circle and ask kids if they can remember any of the names of the Books of the Bible that you named. (It’s okay if they can’t; we’re not going for memorization here, just exposure to the concept.)
Arts & Craft: Bible Scrolls
Items Needed: Memory Verse sheets, crayons
Advanced Prep: Print the memory verse (“All your words are true.” Psalm 119:160a) on a sheet of paper, leaving plenty of empty margin around the top, bottom, and sides.
Directions: Give each child a Memory Verse sheet. Read the verse with them. Remind them that the memory verse comes from the Bible. This verse is in the book of Psalms – one of the 66 books in the Bible.
Have kids color the sheet as they wish, encouraging them to create their masterpieces within the empty margins.
Say: Before the words of the Bible were put into books like we read today, they were written in scrolls. Scrolls were papers that you’d roll up, and then unroll when you wanted to read them.
Demonstrate how to roll up a scroll. Help kids roll up their Memory Verse sheets into scrolls.