Instead of complaining, I can be thankful.
Instead of complaining, I can be thankful.
When good things happen, I can say ‘thank you God.’
God can do anything and because He loves us we can trust Him as our Savior.
Kids will say, “I’m not scared. God takes care of me.”
Kids will say, “I’m not scared to follow God.”
Kids will say, “I’m not scared to tell the truth.”
I get to share Jesus with others.
Jesus is the Living Water who gives me joy.
God created you to share His story.
God created you, so you can be creative.
God created you, so you can be creative.
God created you, so you can be creative.
There’s no limit to God’s creativity.
God can turn my mad to glad.
God can do anything and because He loves us we can trust Him as our Savior.
God made people to reflect Him
God is greater than anything and because He loves us we can obey Him.
God is bigger than anything and because He loves us we can follow Him.
Serving God with our talents brings us closer to God every day.
Seeking God’s will brings us closer to God every day.